Monthly Archives: June 2012

How to install Ubuntu Server on a USB 3.0 stick and boot that stick

This instruction describes how to install Ubuntu Server (in my case 11.04) onto a USB 3.0 stick and make it boot from that stick.

What you will need:

  1. A working Linux system
  2. gparted – Gnome Partition Editor
  3. unetbootin – the universal netboot installer
  4. The Ubuntu Server ISO image
  5. A USB 2.0 stick with at least 800 MB free space
  6. A USB 3.0 stick to install the system onto

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How to install Debian Squeeze on Apple iBook G3 with PPC architecture

This instruction describes how to install Debian Squeeze on an iBook with a G3 PPC CPU. It is the way that worked for me and it might be usefull for others who want to bring back some live to a nice little machine.

0. Preparations
1. Shrinking the Mac OS partition
2. Installing Debian Squeeze
3. Configuring Debian Squeeze
    3.1 Right-click by Ctrl+click
    3.2 Function keys and eject key
    3.3 Soundcard
    3.4 Keyboard mappings
    3.5 Airport
    3.6 Power management
    3.7 LXDE


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How to encrypt a string with ROT13 (one liner)

ROT13 is a variation of the caesar chiffre. It replaces each letter with the letter 13 positions after that letter. A nice side effect: you need only a function to encrypt a string. If you encrypt an encrypted string, you’ll get the plaintext.

echo 'This is a Test' | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'
Output: Guvf vf n Grfg

echo 'Guvf vf n Grfg' | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'
Output: This is a Test